Awesome NHL 18’s Mode NHL THREES And Better Graphics

August 18, 2017 0

NHL THREES is an all-new mode in NHL 18, this mode is awesome, such a fun arcade mode in which you can basically forget about all the typical NHL rules such as icing and offsides. NHL 18 is going back to its arcade roots with NHL THREES – a 3-on-3 mode with colorful arenas and super fast-paced scoring.

NHL 18

NHL THREES differs from the core game in a number of crucial ways. The rink is much smaller, resulting in chaotic, end-to-end rushes, and outside of the opening draw of the period, faceoffs mostly fall to the wayside. Instead, after a successful score, the other team will receive the puck and be able to begin their rush immediately.

The mode that everyone is looking forward to most is NHL THREES, due to its popularity, EA Sports is introducing it to NHL 18 and it could be a welcomed change of pace for players. Compare to the last year’s edition of the game, without further ado, NHL 18’s graphics undergone a big improvement. Anyway, look closely on this following video, NHL 18 vs NHL 17 graphics comparison.

Here are tips on how the game plays with the additions of the Defensive Skill Stick, return of Creative Dekeing as well as tuning and adjustments to core things like passing, reference from here. NHL 18 is due for release on September 15 for PlayStation 4 as well as Xbox One.

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