7GB NBA 2K17 Patch And More Latest Update

If you have brought NBA 2K17 in real time, without any doubt, you certainly have been playing their 2K for about three months. Nonetheless, it’s no hyperbole to say that three months feels like three years for its three huge patches. Players are worth delighting that cheap NBA 2K17 MT for sale.


1.03, for the initial 7GB patch update.
1.04, the first bug fixes patch update.
1.05, for another bug fixes patch update. And now, 1.06 for, surprise, bug fixes update.
1.06, another 7GB Update comes up in new shape and color, means that adjustments were done. Beside NBA 2K17 patch update, and you also need to put much attention to cheap NBA 2K17 MT PC for sale.

In general, first, the Charlotte Hornets pre-game court is now fixed. Second, 2K fixed the indefinite simulating screen that comes when your MyPlayer retired from the accomplishment of 20-year career as they fixed the hanging on MyGM/MyLeague when attempting to sign a new head coach and assistant coach. Next is, the terrible MyTeam glitch that unmarks your tasks uncompleted though it usually is. Last, the MyTeam case that the card was told to be sent in the auction house, though it is not.

In NBA 2k17 1.06, the 7GB also installed some changes on the gameplay. 2K fixed an issue for users who are using 4k graphics on PS4 Pro. Next on MyPark gameplay in summary, they made it harder to do things. Such as checking the ball in the inbound does not assure any steals, plus player should now in the position before having a successful pickpocketing.

They also toughen up the AI in both ways, for fixing the undesired dribble performance, unrealistic skill sets, and now, CPU player could run a better and faster play. 2K also fixed the broadcast camera angle for Milwaukee Bucks, Dallas Mavericks, Sacramento Kings, and Los Angeles Clippers. As a NBA 2K enthusiast, are you expected more NBA 2K17 updates? Are you curious about how can get cheap NBA 2K17 MT?